hi, i'm bekah & i like to write.
for now, my writing just happens to be about fashion &
personal style.
i grew up in small town Arkansas and never really dreamed of getting involved in fashion. i honestly didn't care about it at all. i was always a perfectly content beauty pageant contestant, wanna-be nerd, and complete fashion disaster actually (think : really high pony-tail, silver glittered eye-lids, too much brown lip liner, and a DeWitt Dragon t-shirt.
yes, i said i was perfectly content).
So, i am not living my childhood dream - obviously (because that dream was to be a Pediatrician) - but after a few years in the retail, wholesale and marketing side of the fashion industry - i have really started to love it. i love the creativity and individuality that can emerge from fashion & personal style. i am a believer that a person's style should reflect their personality & weird quirks- along with their inspirations and style aspirations.
fashion & style are constantly evolving - but 1 thing is - they don't have to be taken quite SO seriously. i try to keep it real. and lighthearted.
i also love :: soul food, inside jokes, red wine, loving friends, my maine coon Ruby Faye, hip hop music, grace, old quilts, sleeping in, hand-written notes & my family.
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"Get over your hill &
see what you find there,
with grace in your heart
& flowers in your hair."
mumford & sons